Sunday, 7 June 2020


 Angry Upset GIF - Angry Upset Enojado - Discover & Share GIFs
¿Qué haces cuando sientes miedo, ira, estás enfadad@, triste?

La ira y la agresividad son dos de los problemas emocionales más frecuentes entre los seres humanos, Todos, niñ@s y mayores nos enfadamos, estresamos o nos sentimos dolidos en un momento dado. 
Este cortometraje nos muestra cómo se pueden gestionar las emociones negativas. Vari@s niñ@s hablan de lo que les hace sentirse enfadad@s, tristes, culpables, de cómo reaccionan y qué maneras tienen de trasnformar esas sensaciones en positivas.
Ejercitar nuestro cerebro y saber poner nombre a nuestras emociones nos ayuda a desarrollarnos adecuadamente. Este vídeo nos muestra cómo traducir nuestras emociones y sentimientos con palabras, cómo aprender a controlar nuestras emociones con estrategias como la respiración, relajación, música... Aprender a resolver un conflicto fijándonos en las emociones que se generan es fundamental para nuestro bienestar social y personal, así como para el de la comunidad en la que vivimos.

El siguiente corto nos explica de una manera cómo funciona nuestro cerebro cuando estamos alterados y nos da una solución para controlar nuestras emociones.
Se trata del vídeo "Solo respira" de Julie Bayer Salzman y Josh Salzman.

(you can activate the subtitles in English)


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  1. I like the short film because It expresses very well what do how feel when you get angry.
    I sometimes get angry.

  2. I like the short film because of the way children talk and explain how we get angry. I get angry many times, especially with my sister. We get angry because he is always behind me.

  3. I don´t like this short film because children have a stressful voice for me.
    I get angry when my brother bothers me or when my parents don’t let me play videogames.

  4. I like this short film because it gives me a method to calm when I angry. I get angry every day because my sister gets angry and hits me.

  5. I like this short film because it transmits a lot of information in a few minutes.
    I don´t get angry very often. I only get angry when somebody makes me something wrong.

  6. Yes,I kiked it.Because he was talkin about anger and how to calm you down.
    Idon´t get angry very easly,I´m calm.

  7. I like this short film because it defines perfectly how you feel when you are angry.
    I don´t often get angry but when I get mad it´s for a good reason.

  8. JORGE S.
    Yes, I like the short film, because you can learn a lot with them.
    I get angry a few times a week.

  9. Yes,I like short film because now when I get angry I will calm down like in the video.
    I get angry often with my sister.

  10. I like this short film because spelling very well what is get angry.

    I get angry sometimes, 2 or 3 in one week.

  11. No, I don’t like this short film because when I get angry, I feel bad and I don't like it, and the short film reminds me of those situations. I hardly ever get angry. I get mad at my brother for playing computer.

  12. Yes, because is very entertaining.

    I sometimes I am angry

  13. Ivan Garcia Perez: Yes, I like the short film because it´s very interesting. It says how do you get angry, and how not to get angry.
    I get angry one time each two days

  14. I like the short film because you learn alot.
    I get angry very infrequently.
    By Lara.

  15. Mireya

    I like this short film because each child says that something diferente happens to him.
    I sometimes get angry.

  16. I like the short film because it explains very well how to relax when you get angry. And also because it is made by children.

    I get angry when I have trouble doing something and it frustrates me. And also when my sister takes some of my things without permission.

  17. I like the short film because is a video for control the angry.
    I sometimes get angry when I can´t go out.

  18. I don´t like this short film because they're not happy and I prefer to see them happy.
    I get really angry.

  19. I loved the short film because it explains how we can calm our anger and relate better to others. I rarely get angry. As mum says, i am a happy girl. I am always singing and laughing and i am glad for life.

  20. The video is quite concrete and is spoken bluntly and when I get angry I get furious and nervous.

  21. Camila García Fernández 6ºb17 June 2020 at 16:10

    I like the short film because anger is a very dificult felling to controll and I get angry all the day to.

  22. I like the short film because it´s beautiful and it´s made by children. I rarely get angry,only when something important happens to me or to my family
